» World Newspapers Directory
This world has become a global village now a days due to media and technology. These days we can contact others using internet chat, social media websites and mobile phones. No one is far away from us if we have a television set at home connected with satellite, single computer with internet connection or a mobile phone with active sim card having data connection available. Electronic media brings us breaking news faster than ever before but print media still has its importance in our lives.
Newspaper, as its name shows is a source of news and information printed on papers. In several respects they are also a medium of communication among the people of the world. As an important source of news, newspapers play a vital role to those whose hunger for information is voracious. Reading a newspaper makes a human being fit to participate usefully in a cultivated society as this is the era of internet and world has become a single village due to vast media contents. ePaper is an electronic edition of newspaper that can be read online at any time anywhere and requires only a computer or laptop having internet connection or mobile with internet activated. e Paper is actually an online edition of any newspaper in its original layout looking exactly as the printed version looks like.
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In Pakistan, we are living in a newspaper culture whether in Urdu or English or other regional languages, almost everyone gets benefited from newspaper. A wide coverage of news and information is obtained at low cost though newspapers. The major topics of general interest in newspaper includes current affairs, politics, economy, sports, entertainment, weather, local and global news. Newspapers are very important these days. Newspaper is almost the first thing that greets us in the morning and keeps us informed of what is happening around us in the fields of politics, markets, sports, entertainment, showbiz and jobs advertisements. Reading Newspaper is one of the cheapest means of acquiring information and knowledge. Further, constant reading of newspapers improves one's outlook on life and makes one a more reasonable person. The importance of the newspaper is therefore obvious as the news stands for all the four directions such as North, East, West and South.
It is also good to remember that the newspaper is a highly organized industry today. Reading newspaper is of high importance and indispensable. A critical and independent readership alone can bring the owner to heel, whenever necessary. A newspaper gives news not only about daily happenings but about books, movies, sports and markets too. It publishes court notices and advertisements as well. The Sunday issue of a newspaper gives it readers fine essays, stories, articles, columns and above all, a lot of wit and humor.
About as its name shows contains almost all Newspapers of Pakistan at one place. Whether you want to read Urdu Newspapers, English Newspapers, Pashto Newspapers, Punjabi Newspapers or any other local language newspapers, weekly or monthly magazines, you can find their online ePapers editions at Most popular ePapers of Pakistan are daily jang, express, nawaiwaqt, khabrain, mashriq, aaj, waqt, jinnah, ausaf, asas, dunya, ummat, samaa, kawish, shamal, dawn, the nation, the news, the frontier post, and many others that are also included in this ePaper directory. The aim of this site is to provide you easy access to all English and Urdu ePapers of Pakistan anywhere, anytime using computer or mobile having internet connection.