Daily Aaj Kal
Daily Aajkal ePaper Urdu Online
Daily Aajkal is an urdu language newspaper of Pakistan which is publishing daily basis from Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Cost of this newspaper is only 6 rupees. Daily Aaj Kal newspaper consists of 4 pages which contains local, national and international news. You can read online Aaj Kal ePaper on Official website of Dail Aaj Kal aajkal.com.pk. This newspaper started publication in 2008.
Roznama Aaj Kal can be contacted through E-mail adress which is info @ aajkal.com.pk. You can reach this page by searching keywords aaj kal, daily aaj kal, roznama aaj kal. The official website of Aajkal Newspaper is: http://www.aajkal.com.pk/
You can send your feedbak at facebok page too which is: https://www.facebook.com/DailyAajKal/
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