Deccan Chronicle
Deccan Chronicle 16 February 2025 ePaper Today
Deccan Chronicle is a daily newspaper publishing from Hyderabad, Telangana and other cities of Indian like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. Deccan Chronicle Newspaper is published by Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited. It is an English newspaper found in 1938. The name of newspaper is derived from the originating place, the Deccan regions of India.
Decan Chronicle Newspaper has supplements like "TV Guide", "Sunday Chronicle", "Hyderabad Chronicle", "Chennai Chronicle", "Bengaluru Chronicle" and "Kerala Chronicle". It also provides weekly features like "School Chronicle" and "Teen Chronicle". The readership of this newspaper is about 11 million.
Deccan Chronicle ePaper offers latest news in English from India and around the world. If you want to read Deccan Chronicle ePaper online you can visit it's official website:
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Deccan Chronicle has it's social pages too for reader to communicate with the newspaper authorities are:
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You can contact Editor of Deccan Chronicle by calling at: (91-172) 2655066, or you can send email at: [email protected]